Talks involving set-theoretic and other techniques used to investigate topics in general topology. Organizers: Chris Caruvana, Jared Holshouser, Lynne Yengulalp.
Set-theoretic topology is the study of techniques from set theory that are used to investigate topics in general topology. Such topics include topological games, homogeneity, hyperspaces, topological algebra, compactifications, and much more. Problems about topological topics or properties often require extra axioms of set theory to answer. Advances in set theory, conversely, have applications in general topology. Recent work by speakers in this session include set-theoretic schemes that build uncountable structures from finite ones (Osvaldo Guzman), persistent properties in uniform box products (Jocelyn Bell), resolvability in certain classes of topological spaces (Lajos Soukup), compact generators in function spaces (Paul Gartside), cardinal inequalities and pi-character (Ivan Gotchev and Vladimir Tkachuk), zero-dimensional sigma-homogeneous spaces (Andrea Medini), and others.