Starts at: 2025-03-07 10:40AM
Ends at: 2025-03-07 11:00AM
Let $\mathrm{Poly}_n\mathbb{C}$ be the space of monic, squarefree, degree $n$ polynomials in one variable over $\mathbb{C}$. Ferrari’s solution to the quartic equation gives rise to a holomorphic map $R\colon\mathrm{Poly}_4\mathbb{C}\to\mathrm{Poly}_3\mathbb{C}$. We show that every holomorphic map $\mathrm{Poly}_n\mathbb{C}\to\mathrm{Poly}_m\mathbb{C}$ for $m\leq n$ is equivalent in a certain sense to a constant map, the identity map, or Ferrari’s map $R$. This is joint work with Jeroen Schillewaert.