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Applied Topology

Thomas Weighill

Subevent of Applied Topology - Fri. PM

Forbes 1022

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-07 03:30PM

Ends at: 2025-03-07 03:50PM

Topological Analysis of U.S. City Demographics

Thomas Weighill ⟨⟩


Topological data analysis is naturally suited to “data with shape”. In this talk, I will use a recent joint project with Jakini Auset Kauba as a demonstration of how TDA can uncover shape in geospatial data. In our project, we looked at persistence diagrams given by the demographics of 100 U.S. cities, and used them to perform various investigations and comparisons. Towards the end of the talk, I will highlight some of the pitfalls of using persistent homology on this kind of data, and pitch some challenges for those interested in TDA and geospatial data.

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