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Contributed Papers

Contributed Paper Session II-8 #4

Subevent of Contributed Paper Session II-8

Phillips 217

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-01 11:00AM

Ends at: 2025-03-01 11:15AM

Some benefits of co-teaching

Nick Kirby ⟨⟩


Adopting a new mode of instruction or a new mode of assessment can feel intimidating and isolating as a faculty member. Given the chance to do this with a colleague, I embraced co-teaching as a chance to innovate. Our partnership combined my active learning strategies with my colleague’s expertise in standards-based learning, allowing us to explore how these approaches complemented one another. In this talk, I will share how co-teaching benefited my students and me. Some benefits of co-teaching were expected, but some were only realized in retrospect.


Linear Algebra Course Materials:–D_txy4JAqXe778VbLUoBy544lfdPi8cNVSGeToN3OA?e=FCO2A6

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