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Plenary and Semi-Plenary Talks

Semi-plenary C: Luna Lomonaco (virtual)

Subevent of Semi-plenary Talks

Forbes 2070D

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-07 09:40AM

Ends at: 2025-03-07 10:25AM

The Mandelbrot set and its Satellite copies

Luna Lomonaco ⟨⟩


For a polynomial on the Riemann sphere, infinity is a (super) attracting fixed point, and the filled Julia set is the set of points with bounded orbit. Consider the quadratic family $P_c(z)=z^2+c$. The Mandelbrot set $M$ is the set of parameters $c$ such that the filled Julia set of $P_c$ is connected.

Computer experiments quickly reveal the existence of small homeomorphic copies of $M$ inside itself; the existence of such copies was proved by Douady and Hubbard. Each little copy is either primitive (with a cusp on the boundary of its main cardioid region) or a satellite (without a cusp). Lyubich proved that the primitive copies of $M$ satisfy a stronger regularity condition: they are quasiconformally homeomorphic to M. The satellite copies are not quasiconformally homeomorphic to $M$ (as we cannot straighten a cusp quasiconformally), but are they mutually quasiconformally homeomorphic? In joint work with C. Petersen we prove that the answer is negative in general, but positive in the case the satellite copies have rotation number with same denominator.

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