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Geometric Topology

Roman Aranda

Subevent of Geometric Topology - Fri. PM

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-07 03:30PM

Ends at: 2025-03-07 03:50PM

Multiplane diagrams of surfaces in 4-space

Roman Aranda ⟨⟩


Surfaces in 4-space can be described using tuples of b-string tangles called multiplane diagrams. In this talk, we will discuss local modifications for multiplane diagrams that affect the embedded surface in a controlled way. This talk will explore such operations in the context of bridge multisections. We show a uniqueness result for multiplane diagrams representing isotopic surfaces. If time permits, we will show that any n-valent graph with an n-edge coloring is the spine of a bridge multisection of an unknotted surface.

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