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Dynamical Systems

Evans Hedges

Subevent of Dynamical Systems - Thurs. PM

Forbes 2070D

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-06 03:35PM

Ends at: 2025-03-06 03:55PM

On the Equivalence of Equilibrium and Freezing States

Evans Hedges ⟨⟩


This talk is concerned with freezing phase transitions in general dynamical systems. A freezing phase transition is one in which, for a given potential $\phi$, there exists some inverse temperature $\beta_0 > 0$ such that for all $\alpha, \beta > \beta_0$, the collection of equilibrium states for $\alpha \phi$ and $\beta \phi$ coincide. In this sense, below the temperature $1 / \beta_0$, the system “freezes” on a fixed collection of equilibrium states.

We will provide an overview of this direction of study, and conclude with some novel results related to the obtainability of a given measure as a freezing state, as well as the fact that the collection of potentials that freeze is dense in $C(X)$ under certain conditions on the dynamical system.



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