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Contributed Papers

Contributed Paper Session II-8 #3

Subevent of Contributed Paper Session II-8

Phillips 217

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-01 10:40AM

Ends at: 2025-03-01 10:55AM

What a brain injury taught me about accessibility in mathematics

Megan Powell ⟨⟩


In 2020 I suffered a traumatic brain injury from a fall. While I have been lucky enough to be able to keep doing and teaching mathematics, the sudden change in my brain’s ability to process information presented an immediate need for accessibility tools and accommodations for myself which gave me a new perspective of accessibility in mathematics in general. In this talk, I will discuss simple ways to support student learning in the classroom and present existing tools and the need for additional tools to help move towards everyone having equal access to learn and do mathematics.

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