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Geometric Group Theory

Sayantika Mondal (virtual)

Subevent of Geometric Group Theory - Thurs. PM

Forbes 2070E

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-06 02:45PM

Ends at: 2025-03-06 03:05PM

Distinguishing filling curve types via special metrics

Sayantika Mondal ⟨⟩


In this talk, we look at filling curves on hyperbolic surfaces and consider its length infima in the moduli space of the surface as a type invariant. In particular, explore the relations between the length infimum of curves and their self-intersection number. For any given surface, we will construct infinite families of filling curves that cannot be distinguished by self-intersection number but via length infimum. I might also discuss some coarse bounds on the special metrics associated with these infimum lengths.

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