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Undergraduate Presentations

Undergraduate Paper Session I-1 #5

Subevent of Undergraduate Paper Session I-1

Phillips 216

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-02-28 03:20PM

Ends at: 2025-02-28 03:35PM

Food Insecurities in a Blooming Rural Town: A Statistical Analysis

Christine Jator ⟨⟩


Food is an essential part of daily life, providing vital nutrition to the mind and body. The lack of an essential resource can significantly hinder one’s quality of life. In the south, “The state of Tennessee measures at 11.9% food insecurity” (Durnell, 2023, p.1). This statistic reveals that several people cannot acquire healthy food, decreasing their quality of life. Clarksville, a growing rural town in Tennessee struggles with the same issue. In this study, we seek to understand what factors classify food-insecure populations in Clarksville, TN, and how they compare on a smaller and larger scale. Using data from the United Census Bureau, we will analyze trends and formulate conclusions from Clarksville, TN data, and compare these results with Murfreesboro, TN, and USA data. The data contains food stamp information counts and percentages for different populations. This research aspires to aid food pantries and food-insecure populations in growing rural areas similar to Clarksville, TN. This project sheds light on remembering the impoverished and those who struggle to obtain healthy food in a progressing society.


References: Jennifer Babich. If you live in clarksville, you may live in a food desert. so, what does that mean?, Nov 2018. John Durnell. Clarksville is above average, and it’s a bad thing, May 2023.

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