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Geometric Topology

Philip Tosteson

Subevent of Geometric Topology - Fri. AM

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-07 11:30AM

Ends at: 2025-03-07 11:50AM

Rational points on quartic del Pezzo surfaces via homological stability

Philip Tosteson ⟨⟩


A quartic del Pezzo surface $X$ is an intersection of two degree $2$ hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb P^4\). So rational points on $X$ correspond to solutions of a pair of homogeneous quadratic equations in $5$ variables. I will discuss joint work with R. Das, B. Lehmann, and S. Tanimoto, using topological methods to determine statistics of rational points on $X$ (over the function field $\mathbb F_q(t)$)

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