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Promoting Data Literacy

Promoting Data Literacy Session I #2

Subevent of Promoting Data Literacy Session I

Couch 331

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-02-28 02:20PM

Ends at: 2025-02-28 02:35PM

Consumer Statistics Unit for 100-Level Quantitative Literacy Mathematics Courses

Laura Lembeck ⟨⟩


In this session, I will describe how I teach the concepts of good and bad statistical practices. I will include lecture materials that have been created in collaboration with my students in an open resourced learning environment, as well as in-class and out-of-class exercises to allow for group work and interactive learning. I will describe the process we use for collecting, organizing and analyzing our own data set. Finally, I will describe how we work in groups to create research projects - oral presentations, utilizing our subject librarian’s expertise, and the rubric that promotes excellence, all under the umbrella of incorporating learning-centered inquiry methods to support each individual’s growth in their knowledge base.


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