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Profile: Kejia Zhu ⟨⟩

Title: CAT(0) geometry of complex curve complements and families


Motivated by the question of whether braid groups are CAT(0), we investigate the CAT(0) behavior of fundamental groups of plane curve complements and certain universal families. If $C$ is the branch locus of a generic projection of a smooth, complete intersection surface to $\PP^2$, we show that $\pi_1(\PP^2\setminus C)$ is CAT(0). In the other direction, we prove that the fundamental group of the universal family associated with the singularities of type $E_6$, $E_7$, and $E_8$ is not CAT(0). Other examples, both positive and negative, are discussed, with a special emphasis on rational 3-cuspidal curves. This is joint work with C. Bregman and A. Libgober.


Status: Accepted

Collection: Geometric Group Theory

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