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A Forgotten History: How Chinese Mathematics have Contributed to Modern Methods of Problem Solving

Kari Mays ⟨⟩


This paper explores the historical roots of modern mathematics. It compares ancient Chinese problem solving with contemporary methods. The paper compares multiplication visuals to area models used today. This paper also compares the Fengcheng rule for solving systems of equations to the Gaussian Elimination method. It emphasizes the contribution of Chinese mathematics to the solving of systems of equations long before the Gaussian Elimination method was used in Europe. Through analyzing the introduction to the commentary on Nine Chapters on Mathematical Art, this paper highlights the contributions of mathematician Liu Hui to the field of mathematics. This paper touches on the importance of studying non-Western contributions to mathematics. Exploring non-Western mathematical techniques furthers our understanding of the discovery of mathematics.


If selected, I would like to create a hands on experience for attendees. I would like to use toothpicks for counting rods and take attendees through the Fengcheng rule for solving systems of equations.

Scheduled for: 2025-02-28 02:40 PM: A Forgotten History: How Chinese Mathematics have Contributed to Modern Methods of Problem Solving in Couch 209

Status: Accepted

Collection: Unspoken History of Mathematics

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