Undergraduate Poster Session #10in Phillips Lobby Alternative Probability Density Estimators for Navies Bayes Nearest Neighbor Machine Learning Method for Accuracy and Explainability in Wound Image Classification
Lanorah Hobbs
Undergraduate Poster Session #11in Phillips Lobby Simulating the Spread of Norovirus with a Cellular Automata SIR Model
Najma Ismail
Undergraduate Poster Session #16in Phillips Lobby Energy Performance as a Part of Developing a Grazing Incidence Telescope Design System
Abigail Mervine
Undergraduate Poster Session #17in Phillips Lobby Predicting Hitter Success Using Bat Tracking Metrics in the MLB
Jakub Michel
Undergraduate Poster Session #18in Phillips Lobby Modeling Dendritic Solidification of Crystal-Like Structures Through Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
Daniel Olopade
Undergraduate Poster Session #19in Phillips Lobby Modeling Granular Flow Dynamics Using the Discrete Element Method
Jeremiah Poston
Undergraduate Poster Session #2in Phillips Lobby A study of the sequence $x_{n+2} = x_n + i mx_{n+1}$ where $x_1$ and $x_2$ that are orthogonal in $\mathbb{C}$
Ryan Avallone
Undergraduate Poster Session #22in Phillips Lobby Exploring Clustering and Classification of 3M Electrical Tape Using FTIR Data
Emily Tester
Undergraduate Poster Session #23in Phillips Lobby Analyzing Pecan Quality and Yield Efficiency: A Quantitative Study of Three Pecan Trees
Ciara Young
Undergraduate Poster Session #8in Phillips Lobby Explorations of Machine Learning Methodologies to Enhance the Design of RNA-based Dopamine Biosensors
James Craven