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Undergraduate Posters

Undergraduate Poster Session #20

Subevent of Undergraduate Poster Session

Phillips Lobby

Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Starts at: 2025-03-01 10:45AM

Ends at: 2025-03-01 12:00PM

Aspects of Bootstrap Percolation on the Random Geometric Graph

Ethel Sakyi ⟨⟩


Bootstrap percolation (BP) is a process on a graph which can be used to model the spread of an infection throughout a graph. First, an initially active set of vertices is given. Then, loosely, vertices are activated if they’re in contact with enough active vertices. More precisely, suppose G is a graph, k is the bootstrap parameter, and a set of active vertices at time 0 is given. In the next time step, any inactive vertex with at least k edges to active vertices becomes active; the process continues until no new active vertices are created. To see how this can be used to model the spread of disease, take people as vertices, interactions between people as edges, and make “active” mean “infected”.

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